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Workshops and Schools

You can book AGAP to come to your school, parish or group to deliver any of the following workshops at a very affordable price or get in touch if you would like us to try to develop a bespoke content to meet your specific needs.

The Living Rosary

S1-S6 / Teens / Young Adults

Learn about the origin of the rosary and explore the mysteries through drama. Applying them to our present-day needs through improv.

Theatre of St John Paul II

S1-S6 / Teens / Young Adults

Explore the drama of the human person, cultural resistance, and love and responsibility, according to the playwright-actor who became Pope.

Gospel Shadow Puppetry

P4-P7 / Older kids

Learn about the Indonesian artform of Wayang Kulit and use it to tell a story from the life of Jesus, making your own shadow puppet!

The Joy of the Gospel

P1-7 / Adaptable

Let’s get happy as we discover the joyful message of the Good News! Take part in imaginative story-telling and create a present-day news bulletin.

Reading at Mass

Adults/Parish Readers
Voice Production/Liturgy

Proclaim the Word of God with confidence and clarity. Designed to equip Mass Readers with the skills they need to carry out their ministry.

Catholicism in the Movies

S4-6 / Teens / Adults

An overview of cinema from horror to sci-fi, comedy to action and drama, exploring the ways in which the imagery of Catholicism plays a vital role.


P4-P7 / Older Kids

How well do you know your superheroes? From Marvel to DC Comics, we love our heroes but what makes a hero and how do we become one?

Monty the Church Mouse

P1-3 / Little Kids
Storytelling/Sacred Space/Liturgy

What do we do when we’re in a church building and why? Let Monty the Church Mouse explain it all in a fun and engaging way!